Upcycling A Book Into A Planner/Bullet Journal
Over the past couple of years, I've switched between using a planner to trying out a bullet journal only to finally settle on a little to...
Easy Cord Wraps
All month long I've been trying out different scrap fabric projects and it inspired me to try one of my own. As much as I love reusing...
The Easy Way to Store Interfacing
All year I've been trying to reorganize my desk and most of it has been a total failure. I swear the more stuff I move around the more...
My Early (and unusual) Mother's Day Present
Mother's day is a special day for most of the world. However in my house it is really just another Sunday. As Mike told me a couple years...
The Best Way To Store Your Sweaters
I love this hack! I wish I found it when I was in college and used to wear sweaters on a regular bases, but you know I'm glad to have...
Organizing my Finances
So if you recall, a couple weeks ago, I stated that my personal New Year's Resolution was to finally get my finances in order. I think...
Reorganizing My Baking/ Coffee Cabinet
When I was looking over the November Project list, I realized that for most days of the week I have bi weekly projects and monthly...