Sewing Machine Pin Cushion
For my second sewing project this month, I'm continuing my theme of trying out scrap fabric projects. While I was searching out true...
Getting Rid of Cat Pee Odor
I don't know how or when it happened, but Tom, our cat, some how ended up in our house and ended up peeing on my Tom's. At first I was...
Monday Free Write
You know all week I've been reading about everything they've figured out about the mass shooting and about all the conspiracy theories...
P is for Puzzle
As I was going through the activity book pages I've already finished, the puzzle page caught my eye. It was perhaps one of my better put...
Monday Free Write
Happy Monday All! I've officially been staring at this screen for an hour now and I just can't think of anything to write about. Actually...
Paper Clip Page Markers
Well its the end of banned book week and the end of September, so I thought for this month I would combine the two and share a really...
Cast Iron Skillet Cleaning and Re-Seasoning
To be completely honest, I love that Mike found his old cast iron skillet because it gives me a new genre of recipes to search for and it...
Monday Free Write
Happy Monday All! So its been about two months now since I got my new car and I haven't really talked that much about it. (Other than to...
Crochet Alligator Pouch!
This past month my crochet mojo returned in full force! So for this month's crochet project it was a little hard to figure out the...
DIY Hemline Tool
Out of all the different projects I try, I often end up with the same problem. I'm terrible at pressing down fabrics at a specific point....