Monday Free Write
Happy Monday All! So I missed last week's free write, but I do have a very good excuse! I spent most of the day at a car dealer getting a...
Monday Free Write
Happy Monday All! This week, or last week, rather I participated in my first crochet along! I have been wanting to do one ever since...
Monday Free Write
Happy Monday All! I had a completely different write up I was going to do today, but we decided to spend an extra night at my mom's house...
Monday Free Write
Happy Monday Everyone! This summer has been a weird, but good one for the Lietz clan. About every other week we've been driving over to...
Monday Free Write
So I posted an article on the Facebook page yesterday. It's titled Kesha's Advice for Coping with Depression is Simple, But Effective....
Monday Free Write
You know over this past week, while I've been working on my projects and posts, I've also been researching a lot of new things and...
Monday Free Write
This week my big guy turned 4 and the more i blog the more I've read all about everybody's birth story. And well four years ago I wasn't...
Monday Free Write
Happy Monday all! I think this is going to be a tough one to write, but I think its something that I need to write about. I consider...
Monday Free Write
Its May! How the hell did that happen? Ugh... well I haven't done a monthly update in a while, so I think this may be as good as anytime...
Monday Free Write
So if you recall, way back in January i said my word for the year was Adventure. And well up until this point, there haven't been a lot...