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Monday Free Write

So I posted an article on the Facebook page yesterday. It's titled Kesha's Advice for Coping with Depression is Simple, But Effective. And once you get passed the summary of Kesha's legal and personal problems and how much better she's doing now, you get to the point of the article. That Kesha's advice for dealing with depression is very similar to my own.

In the article she states

"I just had to keep going and keep showing up for myself and that’s really hard to do when you are feeling depressed, you don’t want to get out of bed, but I think it’s getting up and showing up. But there was never a day when I actually just let myself lie in the bed and not get out of bed."

And while I've, thankfully, never experienced so bad that I've had to force myself out of bed. But the point of the matter is that we both deal with our depression head on. The first step is always the hardest. Admitting to yourself that you have an issue. I'm particularly good at ignoring all the signs that I'm in a depression until I'm in the midst of it.

The important thing is though after I realize I'm in a bout of depression, that I try not to let it affect the rest of my life. I still try to work on whatever projects I have scheduled. And I still so up to all my shifts at my other job. Sometimes its not easy. I mean going to work at my other job is easy. Its like a built in escape from my house and all my depression feelings.

However its a little harder when I'm at home. So I actually try to keep myself busy with projects. It works well enough, when I actually have a set schedule of projects to work on. Once I'm through with my projects though, I find its hard to start a new project.

And when all else fails, I just accept that I'm in a depression and I know it won't last forever. So I just ride it out.

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