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Monday Free Write

This week my big guy turned 4 and the more i blog the more I've read all about everybody's birth story. And well four years ago I wasn't crating very much let alone blogging. So I missed my chance at writing Blue's birth story. But in my world too late doesn't mean never.So I present to you, the story of Blue!

In the story of how I planned my life, children were definitely wanted, but I always thought they weren't going to happen for a while. That was until I met Mike and we started dating. And one thing led to another and in the words of Mike "Blue Reef is crashing the party."

The pregnancy was less than ideal and to make matters worse I made it to my due date and still had no baby! I was miserable, but I was determined that my baby would come on her own. (I waited to find out what I was having and I had convinced myself it was going to be a girl.) I also had a plan B. I scheduled myself to be induced a week after my baby, just in case there still was no baby.

And sure enough a week after my due date there was no baby! So Mike and I headed to the hospital. At this point I had never stayed in a hospital before and Mike stayed long enough to see me checked in and then he rushed back home to finish cleaning the house for my mom and sister. So they hooked me up to all the machines and I settled into my bed. Luckily for me I was able to find Friends reruns on TV and I just so happened to catch the season the Rachel was pregnant. So all was not lost... other than the fact that I was still pregnant. Eventually mike returned and the great baby wait continued!

So the first night in the hospital was just the light wait inducing medicine. So I did my best to get some sleep and hope my baby would be born soon. The next morning they stuck my on pitocin. (I could write an essay on how much I hate pitocin, but I guess there is a time and a place for that and this is not it.) It was fine at first... and then the labor pains start. Actually it was far worse than labor pains. I can't really describe it, but my entire body hurt starting from my back and slowly working its way forward. And then the nausea started.

This was honestly the worst part of my labor with Blue. Labor pains I could deal with; constatntly vomiting not so much. Luckily they have some great medicine to counteract the nausea. This medicine also helped me sleep. And while I was committed to no epidural, my will was broken and by 4 that afternoon asked for an epidural. (It was also that fact that I was still on 2 cm dilated even after 6 hours on pitocin, so I knew I had to do something. And I'm very happy with my decision.) With the epidural I was able to get so more sleep. So I alternated between watching Friends and sleeping.

Needless to say, my labor (much like this post) was dragging on. And before I knew it, I was being woken up in the middle of the night to a couple of nurses switching over my monitor from external to internal. It was interesting to say the least. All I can recall right now is not really understanding what they were doing except that they were trying to get a monitor under Blue's head. It took them a couple of tries, but eventually they were able to do it and Mike and I were able to get back to sleep.

My favorite part of the labor story was in the morning and not having food for 24 hours and promptly vomiting up liquids as soon as they went down, I was desperate for anything. So Mike, being the ever the trooper, went down the hall and got me some ice chips. And the poor thing even was feeding them to me, despite the fact that I was falling asleep as he did so. It was sweet.

So finally by midmorning I was finally ready to have a baby! And after a quick 30 minutes of pushing, (I cannot emphasize enough to push the epidural button at the right time and having a baby is a breeze), we had a baby Blue!

And life has never been crazier and better!

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