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Monday Free Write

So if you recall, way back in January i said my word for the year was Adventure. And well up until this point, there haven't been a lot of adventures this year for the Lietz clan. Well none that we really worth mentioning. That is until this past week however.

You see, for a while now, I've promised myself that when I turn 30 I would go skydiving. I've never really liked heights and I'm not really fond of flying either; so I figured this would be a great way to try and conquer those fears. (And why not do something crazy that I had told myself I would never do right? You only turn 30 once!) And I had plans to do it on my actual birthday, but then my brother scheduled his wedding weekend over my 30th birthday weekend. So needless to say things did exactly go as planned.

Long story short, I finally made it out skydiving this past week. And it was definitely an experience... one I don't think I'll be trying again anytime soon. I went by myself because Mike stayed home to watch the kids. This seemed like the right decision at the time, but once I got there and realized how nervous I was and that everybody else had somebody else there with them. I definitely could have used him there. (And why I didn't think to bring a friend either is beyond me... anything would have been better than being by all by myself... overthinking the entire thing!)

So anyway I was in the last group to jump that day and I don't think I've been more sure that I was going to die than when I got shoved off that plane. (Oh yeah we just went for it... which is probably for the best because I didn't want to jump once we made it to the door of the plane.) And as we were free falling, all I could think of is this is how I'm going to die and surely this minute of free fall has to be over with by now! I then learned I don't like falling to go with planes and heights. It was absolutely terrifying! And then right when I couldn't take it anymore, the parachute was released and we gently floated down to Earth. (I was still terrified, but I definitely felt better than I was free falling. And to calm myself down, I thought Lion and made a 'whee" sound on the way down. It definitely took my mind off the fact that I was terribly high and still probably going to die!) Needless to say by the time I reached the ground I looked a little like this:

(And yes they did try to get me to buy the video, but I just couldn't buy something in which I looked terrified the entire way down! It would have been a great laugh for Mike though).

So overall I probably won't be doing it again. (Unless Blue or Lion or any baby of the future want to do it for their 18th birthdays... then I just might!), but I'm really glad I did it. And I can't wait for more, hopefully less terrifying, adventures to come this year!

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