Crochet Mesh Market Bags
So last month I missed my monthly upcycle project, but its not because I wasn't upcycling. I actually have a couple of upcycle projects in the works, but the one I was planning for June didn't quite come together in time for my scheduled post. So instead I decided to push it back until this month. And let's just say its a very good thing I did!
For this month, I decided to continue on with my plarn theme.
The Project
Crochet Some Plarn Market Bags
Pattern From Just Be Crafty
Supplies Needed:
A ton of Plastic Bags
So the first time I made this pattern it took me forever to create one bag.

I know the picture is super blurry, but if you could see it, then you would notice it doesn't look much like the bag in the pattern picture. I actually didn't think much of it at first, but then I looked over the pattern to make smaller bags and I realized that I stitched my single crochet stitch in the stitch every time and not in the chain 4 like I was supposed to.
So I decided to rip it apart and start over again. Luckily Lion was more than willing to help me!

And while I was remaking the bag, I decided to add some color change.

Here is how the big one turned out:

It didn't look that big in the pattern picture, but my bag was big enough to carry all of our towels to the beach. And I still had plenty of room leftover.
So I decided to try and make a couple of smaller bags. The first one I made was extra small and I think it will be perfect for produce.

And then I made a small version of the bag. which I think will be big enough for small runs to the grocery store.

I haven't given these two a proper test run yet, but I think they'll work out perfectly for my plans!
(And who knows, once I iron out a proper pattern for each, I may decide to start selling the in my Etsy store! But first I need to make more plarn!)