The Great Pumpkin Overload Part 3: Pumpkin Pancakes
All right here we are at part 3. I like to call this the hidden part, that I really wasn't planning on doing. But after I made my pumpkin pie, I had a little pumpkin leftover and I decided it might be nice to make pancakes out of it. (And I thought it might be a fun Thanksgiving tradition to start!)
And so began the third (and final!) part of my pumpkin overload
The Recipe
Pumpkin Pancakes
recipe from Somewhat Simple
So since I only had 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree left, I had to half the recipe. (Well most of the recipe, I didn't have a 1/8 tsp for some of the spices). So if you are wondering, 1/6 cup of sugar is equal to 2 tbsp and 2 tsp of sugar. (Thank God for Google!)

And naturally the second I started mixing Lion was there to help me!

So I mixed everything together. And while it sat for ten minutes, I went to enjoy my coffee. And Blue got ready to help me cook the pancakes

I guess he though it was going to be hard work and that a headband would definitely be needed!
Anyway back to the pancakes. After it sat I carefully poured the batter into my pancake batter dispenser bottle. (Thanks Mom for finding that! It makes making pancakes so much easier!) And I fired up the griddle (that I found about a week after I finished my baby cereal pancake recipes!)

And began to cook my pancakes.
Before I could even take a picture of my finished pancakes, Mike and the boys were already eating them.

Overall even with the half batch I was still able to make about 12 good sized pancakes. So I think pumpkin pancakes on Thanksgiving morning were a success and I can't wait to try it again next year! (and all the years to follow!)