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Eggnog Pancakes

I've been playing with the idea of eggnog all December long. Its not really Christmas time if you don't enjoy some eggnog right? Or at least that's how I roll. My first thought was to make my own eggnog, but its probably best if I try that next year. When the boys (Lion) are a little older and I have time to focus on not over cooking the eggnog. (And yes I looked in a slow cooker recipe, but I set my milk out to warm to room temperature and Lion somehow got his dirty paws in it. So lesson learned on that one!)

So I turned back to Pinterest to find fun ways to use eggnog. The first was eggnog lattes (which hopefully I'll be talking about next week!) and the second was different ways to bake with eggnog. And while I'm sure eggnog cupcakes are delicious, I decided to try out eggnog pancakes instead!

The Recipe

Eggnog Pancakes


Since this is my fourth or fifth pancake recipe I've tried, I've become a pro at making a good pancake batter. (Its actually not that hard to be good at making the batter!) Though for this recipe, I subbed out vegetable oil for coconut oil. So it was hard to combine with the coconut oil solidifying. So I just did my best... and Blue was there to help mix it all together.

So since I had coconut oil lumps in my batter, I couldn't use my pancake batter dispenser. Instead I just used a ladle, which made my pancakes bigger than I'm used to.

And after burning a couple sets of pancakes, I finally figured that eggnog pancakes cook best at a lower heat than my other pancakes. (I'm not sure if this was because of the coconut oil or not).

And naturally as soon as I had some cooked (and cooled down), Lion was there to try one out.

And once they were all made (and slightly cooled down), the boys quickly helped themselves.

(But really Lion eats anything and Blue eats anything with the word cake in the name.)

Overall I thought they were really good and a really neat way to incorporate eggnog into everyday recipes. My only issue was that the coconut oil flavor overpowered the eggnog flavor. So I guess for my next batch I'm going to make sure I have vegetable oil available!

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