Delicious Avocado Egg Salad
Since Easter was only a week ago, I've used up most of my hard boiled eggs on egg salad. And, well, that was fine fr the first couple of days. After that everybody was just over it. So to use up my last couple of eggs I decided to turn to Pinterest. (You really can find anything there can't you?) And I was able to find the perfect recipe to use up my remaining eggs. (And also add in avocado, so I feel extra healthy eating it!)
The Recipe
Avocado Egg Salad
The Results
I honestly love how simple and easy this recipe is. There is nothing I love than simple whole ingredients! In fact the hardest part was chopping up the eggs. I had an egg slicer at one point, but its seems to have been misplaced (or Mike threw it out!). So I had to chop the eggs by hand.
(If you are wondering how I got my eggs to peel so easy you can read about it here)
And it really wasn't that bad. I just don't have great knife skills, so my slices weren't exactly perfect. In the end it didn't matter because it looked like so much fun that Blue had to try.
It was so cute because I just gave him a butter knife and he kept saying to himself be very careful its very sharp. (And I also went off recipe and just used four whole eggs and not just two whole eggs and two egg whites.)
After Blue and I finished up the eggs and then we quickly cut up the avocado. (I gave a little bit to Lion to eat and gave Blue the pit to play with.) I just threw the avocado slices on top of my eggs.
And this is where I went off recipe. I used Greek yogurt and lemon juice, but I made my avocado egg salad like my mom makes egg salad. So I added paprika, celery seed, salt, and pepper all to taste.
I then I mixed it all together.
And once I was happy for how it looked, I spread it across a couple pieces of bread for me.
And I put some in a bun for Lion, which he enjoyed while driving his car around the kitchen.
And I know that I say Lion will eat anything. (And he really will!), but this recipe is really delicious and I can't wait to make it again! (And again and again and again!)