Brings June Showers!
Its that time of the month again! its time to give an update on my garden!
So the last time we looked at my garden it looked like this:
And well it's been an unusually rainy June here in Florida... so not a lot has changed in my garden for this month. Other than the avocados not drying out as quickly.
Anyway here is how it is looking now:
As you can see above the avocados are sending down a whole lot of roots. So I think if I can remember to clean the containers and water them regularly, I might just get some avocado trees out of them.
I also lost on from May to June. One of the toothpicks holding it up broke and I just figured the pit was too far gone to save. So I just decided to keep trying with two. (And while I was switching out the water I did notice some stems starting to grow. So here's hoping for a lot of green in July!)
And that leads me to my sweet potato box. Well... I think its safe to say that my first sweet potato is official dead, but I'm leaving it in there, hoping it'll compost and help my soil.
And as for the other two, I forgot just how much water it took to get the first sweet potato to sprout. So despite all the rain we've been getting, my sweet potato box was not getting enough to get the sweet potatoes to grow. So I've been trying to water it a whole lot. I'm sure that its going to save them though...
So my garden plans for July are, as always, try to take better care of my garden. And I guess restart the sweet potatoes in containers and do my best to change them over to the sweet potato box before its too late.
And if you'll notice in the background, Blue got the Little Tikes Go Green! Playhouse and on top there is space to grow grass (or whatever you want to grow I guess!) and I'm going to try and grow some grass up there. And if I'm successful, I'll try to transplant it to fill out our lawn.
(There's also a planting space in the front to, but I haven't decided what I want to grow there... it'll probably be more grass. Its the only thing I can think of that the rabbits and raccoons won't eat or destroy.)