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Monday Free Write

Happy Monday All!

I often talk out about my slight depression that I suffer from, but the sad fact is that every time I try to read an article to help me understand it, I just end up more frustrated about it. That was until this week. I read this lovely article on The Huffington Post called When You’re ‘Too Functional’ To Have Your Mental Illness Taken Seriously. This article is all about how different mental health professionals and how they see people with mental illness. Overall they somehow have the same opinion that if you suffer from any type of mental illness than you can't function properly in society.

Unfortunately most of the literature on the internet seems to back this up. However the point of the article is that people with "high functioning" mental illness sufferers the same problems as "normal" mental illness sufferers, but they still go through the motions of everyday life.

This definition fits my depression perfectly because this is how I deal with my symptoms. I know they are there, but I try to push past them and try to work on the job at hand. This is of course a lot easier when I work away from the house then when I work in the house, but I still try to do what I can when I'm at home and try to get some work done on the blog if I can. Often times my depression gets in the way of my focus.

Overall its just nice to know that I am not alone and my mental illness is not that much different than the others I read about.

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