Braided Infinity Scarf
The last time I wrote about wearable crochet pieces it was all about my New England Patriots themed braided infinity scarf. Its one of my favorite pieces of I made yet and I wore it from the time I made it until the Patriots won the Super Bowl!
The more I wore it, however, the more I realized how badly I had done braiding the scarf together. And by the time the Patriots won the Super Bowl, it was starting to come undone.
As much as it bothered me, I just kind of left it like that. After all February is the end of "winter" here in Florida and I didn't feel like I had to wear it anymore. (Plus work was cracking done on the no bag policy, so I had no where to keep it safe there).
In the end I just pushed it out of my mind, until now... because today is the first day of football season! So while it may still be too hot to wear it yet, it'll be ready and waiting!
The Remake
Rebraid Infinity Scarf
Instructions from The Snugglery
Supplies Needed
Crochet Hook (7mm or higher)
Optional: Yard Stick
Obviously the first step in fixing my braid was taking the braid apart. I easily cut through the white yarn I used to keep it together and then untangled the mess.
After that I went back to the tutorial to figure out where I went wrong and how to fix it. I once again tried braiding with the picture by picture tutorial, but I wasn't liking my results this time any better.
That's when I noticed a simple diagram at the bottom that made everything make sense. After that I easily braided my scarf back together!
I only had a little problem near the end because I kept over thinking it and Lion kept trying to help.
Toddlers man...
Once it was fully braided I stitch it back together this time using left over red yarn!
Here is how much better it looks now!
And I can't wait to be able to wear it again!