How to Hard Boil Eggs with an Easy Shell Peel
Since Easter is coming up this weekend, I thought I would share a life hack about eggs. Just in case you are like me and just now getting around to hard boiling your eggs that is!
The Hack
So I forgot to double check the hack before I tried it. The hack calls for about 1 tablespoon of baking soda, but instead I used about a 1/4 of a cup. (I also couldn't find my tablespoon, but if I had I would have probably used 2 tablespoons of baking soda!)
And then you just cook like normal. The water (especially with my over abundance of baking soda) will be slightly cloudy. (And if you throw in too much baking soda eventually it will foam up. I just scooped it away and all was well again!)
And while I have no picture of how easy it is to peel the eggs, but believe me once you get going the shells easily peel right off!