More Pokemon Felties!
Well this post is coming a day late and a few Pokemon short, but I'm finally glad to posting about making more Pokemon felties! If you will recall way back in January or February I wrote about how my mom got me a Make Your Own Pokemon Felties Book for Christmas and I shared about how I made a Pikachu feltie from that.
And I think I ended that post stating that I would eventually get back to make some more. And I fully intended to make more Pokemon felties, until I read the what I needed to make the rest of the Pokemon. Tusk sequins? 28mm palette sequins? Even on Amazon these are hard to find. So it took a little time to round up those supplies and find the right color felt as well. And I'm happy to announce that I have finally started making more Pokemon felties. (And since I now have extra supplies I guess I'll make my way through the entire book instead of just the original Pokemon like I planned.)
The Project
Make a More Pokemon Felties
Instructions from Pokemon Felties Book
So for my next batch of Pokemon I thought I would pick it the three originals in the book. That would be Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander. So I easily copied the pattern onto the felt squares, cut out the shapes. I then glued on the extra felt pieces (and a pipe cleaner for Charmander's tail). I then added on some of the embroidery lines on. (Not all of them. I like to leave the face ones until I have eyes on.)
So once I had them to this point I started working on their eyes. The closest sequins I could find were 40mm iridescent sequins. This actually turned out to be perfect for me because for most of their eyes I was able to fit both eyes on one sequin. And they were also semi transparent so I was able to trace the eye design onto it too.
So once I had the eyes colored and cut out, I sewed them onto the each Pokemon respectfully. And then I finished up their faces. Once the Pokemon had faces, I sewed the two halves together and stuffed it.
I find the trick to stuffing the Pokemon is to take a break about halfway around and stuff all the nooks and crannies. (For Charmander that meant his bottom legs and I attempted his arms, but there wasn't enough room to shove stuffing into them).
After I had him good and stuffed, I had to add on his toe nails. (I mean what's a dragon type without some claws?) Once again the only tusk sequins I could find were iridescent, so at least his eyes will match his toes!
And here is how my little Charmander turned out!
The rest will be added as they get finished!