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May Flowers...

Its the end of May, so it means its time to give an update on my garden. Last time I wrote about it, it was the end of March. It looked like this:

And well... this is how it looks now:

I've clearly lost interest in the project and well I'm not watering it or switching out the water as often as I should be. The interesting thing is that although my avocado have suffered the most because of this, some of the pits have started to flourish. Mainly, the middle pit, which you can see below, that now has a lot of roots coming out of it.

Its definitely encouraging to say the least. And it gives me a little encouragement to actual switch out the water more often. (Ideally I would like to switch it out twice a week. I know I can handle it, its just a matter of remembering to do it!)

As for my sweet potatoes... well it was surviving for a long time. Actually I think thriving it a better word, but over the past week, the water got to low in the container and it started to die. I then moved it to a planter box and I'm not sure if this will save the plant.

But I've read online about people planting their sweet potatoes like this and having them just grow. So I added a new sweet potato in there. Hopefully I'll remember to water it and

So I guess I'll write again in a month and give another report on how things are going!

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