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An Easy Small Storage Solution

Some life hacks I purposely search out and others I happily stumble upon. And this tip would definitely fail into the latter category. Mike is in this weird habit of buying travel size containers of q-tips. (I like to buy a bunch at one time, but I guess to each their own). And since there are only 30 Q-tips in each pack, he's gone through a couple packs since he started buying them. So one day while I was searching through Pinterest, I stumbled upon a post about using the Q-tip containers for storage and I knew I just had to try it out.

The Tip

Reuse Q-tip Container for easy travel storage

Tip from Just A Girl

Supplies Needed

  • Travel Size Q-Tips

  • Travel Size Charging Cords, hair ties or anything small that could fit into the container


I've actually been able to steal a couple of them and I'm using both for small emergency kits. The first emergency kit is for my car.

(And I just love that my new car has the perfect little holder for it!)

In it I have a couple of hair ties and a couple of band aids. And I would like to carry more stuff in it, but I just can't figure out what else I need.

The second emergency kit is for my work pouch.

And just like the first emergency kit I have hair ties and band aids in it, but it also has some chap stick and some floss picks (because you never know!). (I would love to keep some in the my car kit, but living in Florida means it would be liquid most of the year!).

And that's it for now! But I'm hoping to steal more of them and I'll be sure share how I'm using them!

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