Baking Some Pumpkin Seeds
Before I officially acknowledge its December and Christmas season, I tried out one last pumpkin project.
The Recipe
Bake Pumpkin Seeds
Instructions from Home Cooking Memories
Supplies Needed
Pumpkin Seeds
Basic Baking Supplies
Butter/ Olive Oil
Apparently there are a couple of different ways to prep pumpkin seeds for baking. I decided to try out the boil method. Its supposed to make the seeds crunchier and I really enjoy crunchier food.
As an added bonus, the pumpkin seeds look really beautiful while they float through the boiling water.
After the seeds were done boiling and drained of the water, I tossed the seeds around in some melted butter and then spread the seeds out over a cookie sheet. I then seasoned the seeds with salt and pepper.
I then placed them in the oven and waited for them to bake.
This is where I messed things up. I thought the instructions said to bake them for 40 minutes. Instead it said the seeds shouldn't need more than 40 minutes to bake. So my pumpkin seeds ended up over baked. (Not quite burnt, but pretty close!)
Even with the seeds being burnt, they still taste all right and they are definitely crunchy.